Gynaecology Resources
Information, webpages, and links on this page is general information only, and is not intended to replace consultation with your physician.
Information Booklets (pdf):
Information on Surgical Procedures:
Menorrhagia & Fibroids (Society of Obstetricians & Gynecologists of Canada)
Menstrual Calander
Incontinence & Prolapse
The Powder Room - info on overactive bladder
Kare Physiotherapy (Kelowna, BC) - Pelvic Floor Physiotherapy for pelvic pain, painful intercourse prolapse, and incontinence
enCORE Health - Julie Gerhardt (Penticton, BC) - Pelvic Floor Physiotherapy
Uresta Pessary (use code STOPLEAKS for $50 off your pessary!)
Endometriosis & chronic pelvic pain
Endometriosis Information Sheet - BC Women’s Hospital
Visanne - some basic facts about endometriosis from the manufacturers of a new treatment
VIDEO: Tame the Beast - understanding chronic pelvic pain
Contraception & sex education
It’s a plan - helping you make decisions about contraception
Stay on Schedule - What to do if you miss a pill!
OPT BC - Clinics in BC that offer STI testing and counselling, pap tests, and contraception if you don't have a family doc
Colposcopy, Pap Tests, Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) & Vaccines
NEW!!! Self-screening information for cervical cancer with HPV testing is now available from the BCCA
HPV & Genital Warts (Smart Sex Resource -BC Centre for Disease Control)
OPT BC - Clinics in BC that offer STI testing and counselling, pap tests, and contraception if you don't have a family doc
Gardasil 9 - The latest HPV vaccine on the market in Canada
Vulvar health
Menopause and U (Society of Obstetricians & Gynaecologists of Canada)
Promensil - information on a herbal compound containing Red Clover isoflavene
Replens - non-hormonal vaginal moisturizer
Premature Ovarian Insufficiency - Mayo Clinic
General Health
Diabetes Canada (formerly Canadian Diabetes Association)
Labia Library - everyone is different! Take a look and reconsider what is 'normal'
Choosing Wisely Canada - a very interesting Canadian website to help doctors and patients think about tests and interventions that are helpful, and those that are not